European Index of Online Cybersecurity Training

Tuesday, 13 August, 2019 - 00:00

CONCORDIA (Cybersecurity Competence for Research and Innovation) has launched an interactive, online, cross-Europe guide to training opportunities for cyberprofessionals. 

CONCORDIA is one of four EU-funded pilot projects mandated to build cybersecurity competence throughout Europe. Partners in CONCORDIA include a slew of European universities and research institutes as well as commercial organisations from across the industry spectrum, numbering fifty-five in all.

Like the other pilots in this group - CyberSec4Europ, ECHO and SPARTA - CONCORDIA is premised on broad cooperation between research and industry and articulates around developing a common "European Cybersecurity Research & Innovation Roadmap". Together the pilots are expected to strengthen the EU's cybersecurity capacity and tackle future cybersecurity challenges for a safer European Digital Single Market.

CONCORDIA has been underway since January 2019 and is coordinated by the Research Institute Cyber Defence (CODE), one of the largest research institutes in Germany. The main objectives of the project are detailed here

According to Prof. Dreo, CODE Executive Director, all of the featured courses are aimed at developing cybersecurity skills. While some courses are well established on the market, others are brand new. Together the courses serve a range of users from IT technical team members and experts, to middle managers, executives and members of the general public. Since January, more than 4000 cybersecurity professionals have received training.

Dynamic Display

The courses are displayed dynamically and filters are provided to simplify the search process and enable users to match their industry, device, application and other specific requirements to the available material.

Click here to access the guide. 

For the duration of the CONCORDIA project, the course list will be continuously updated with new training materials as these are either developed by the project partners or submitted by other European organizations. The end goal is to develop a marketplace for professional cybersecurity skills.

European Index of Online Cybersecurity Training | Cyber Range & Capacity Building in Cybersecurity


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