
Direktiva NIS za varnost omrežij in informacij – vodič in pogosta vprašanja

Direktiva za varnost omrežij in informacij (NIS – Network and Information Security) je poenotila uredbe o kibernetski varnosti na nivoju celotne Evropske Unije.
Veljati je začela avgusta 2016. Države članice imajo za izvajanje Direktive in vpeljevanje v nacionalno zakonodajo na voljo 21 mesecev in 5 dodatnih mesecev za identifikacijo administratorjev kritične infrastrukture.

Direktiva želi zagotoviti visoko raven varnosti omrežij in informacij v EU. Cilji Direktive so naslednji:

Cisco and IBM Join Cybersecurity Forces

IBM and Cisco are joining forces to tackle cybercrime. The two companies will collaborate across certain products and services, sharing their expertise on threat intelligence.

The goal of this collaborative effort is to increase interoperability in security tools. A recent Cisco survey of 3,000 chief security officers found that 65% of their organizations use between six and 50 different security products.

A Quick multi lingual guide to glossary on cyber security

According to UK Government research, 74% of small firms in the UK experienced a cyber security breach last year, and 90% of large firms were also targeted. Some incidents caused millions in damages.

This guide is for SMEs and small IT teams in public administrations as a first step to understanding the essentials of cyber risks and how to manage them effectively.

BCC Digital Survey 2017: Cyber security

The British Chambers of Commerce surveyed more than 1000 business people from all regions of the UK online in January 2017 to understand how cybercrime is impacting on UK businesses.

The results show that one in five businesses (20%) have fallen victim to a cyber-attack in the past year. Big businesses are far more likely than their smaller counterparts to be victims of attacks (42% of companies with more than 100 staff, compared to 18% of companies with fewer than 99 employees).

Every UK business hit by cyber attack 43,000 times in Q1 2017

A new report by ISP Beaming found that UK businesses suffered, on average, 43,000 cyber-attacks in the first quarter of 2017 – each. This means that each business gets attacked 474 times per day.

The report also found that almost every attack is targeting Internet of Things devices, such as networked security cameras or building control systems, as these IoT devices can be controlled remotely, over the internet. This represents an 84% increase over the same period in 2016.

News | Page 7 | Cyber Range & Capacity Building in Cybersecurity


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